La parabola ieri oggi e domani

The parable yesterday, today and tomorrow: from a moral tale to an information tool in the works of Italian and Israeli artists

MEETING POINT, mixed technique on satellite dish, 2012, Parretti - Stigliano
MEETING POINT, mixed technique on satellite dish, 2012, Parretti – Stigliano

Museum of Israeli Art Ramat-Gan
TEL AVIV – Israel

November 20 – December 11

The exhibition will be inaugurated by the new ambassador of Italy to Israel Francesco Maria Talò, by Dr. Carmela Callea, director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv and by prof. Meir Ahronson director of the Museum of Israeli Art Ramat-Gan.

The exhibition will be inaugurated by the new ambassador of Italy to Israel Francesco Maria Talò, by Dr. Carmela Callea, director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv and by prof. Meir Ahronson director of the Museum of Israeli Art Ramat-Gan.

On display 16 artists who painted 15 parables, one of which was signed by the couple Bruno Parretti / Mariarosaria Stigliano to underline that today men and women have the same opportunities also in the communication sector.

The exhibition of Italian parbole has had a particular reception since it presents Israeli and Italian artists who have worked on the same theme as evidence of the cultural synergies existing between the two countries.

ANNA ADDAMIANO, DANILO BUCCHI, ANGELO COLAGROSSI, ALEXANDER JAKHNAGIEV, ANA MARIA LAURENT, EMILIO LEOFREDDI, STEFANIA LUBRANI, DANILO MAESTOSI, PIERO MASCETTI, RITA MELE, MARIO PADOVAN, VINCENZO MAUGERI, RENATA RAMPAZZI, SINISCA e la coppia BRUNO PARRETTI / MARIAROSARIA STIGLIANO are the 16 artists from Italy who participate in this manifesto of a free art against aesthetic pollution and, conceptually, against ideological pollution due to excessive or distorted information.